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Sunday, February 28, 2010

Moving Out

It's official!
This past Friday, Jaime and I closed on our first house. We are so excited about this new phase in our life and are really looking forward to spending these next few days moving! I'll post again, as soon as I can, and hopefully...with pictures!

Stay tuned....

Sunday, February 7, 2010

A Week In Review

On Friday, I took time off from work to take Madison to the doctor. She had been having nose trouble all week. Other than getting tired in the evening, she was in a great mood and had no fever. Still I knew something was up and on Friday the doctor confirmed that she had a double ear infection. As an adult, I couldn't imagine what that must feel like. Poor girl. We got some good antibiotics though and I anticipate them clearing her right up.

It's hard for me to believe that it's time for Maddie's birthday. On March 13th, she will be 2 years old! Shocking! We should be in our new house by that point (we are set to close on February 19th) and will probably do something small with family and a few friends. I really want to spend the day grilling hamburgers and enjoying cake (cookie cake, I think). I will probably do something with a Minnie Mouse theme this year, since that's the most recent character she seems to love. That and Tinkerbell (still)!

Once we are in the new house, Im going to finally move Maddie out of her crib and into her big-girl bed. All I need to do is go to Babies R Us and purchase a side railing and she will be set. She has a really pretty day-bed with spring colored sheets and blanket that I found at Target several months ago. I also picked up some decorations while I was there, and I am anxious to see how it looks all put together in the new house. I'm sure I will paint her room too, probably a light pink color, and Im really excited about it.

Speaking of the new house, we are less than 2 weeks away! My current house is competely demolished at this point. I suppose that's all part of the moving process, but it really stresses me out some. Im trying to relax about it and just go with flow. But Im the type of person that likes things clean and in their place! I went to Ashley's Furniture yesterday and found alot of stuff I like. Nothing I necessarily HAVE to have, but certainly things I loved! We'll see how that goes...

Work is going well. I have been a probation officer for over a year now. I don't love it, because most days it can be extremely stressful, but it is a good job and I like it enough that I can stay there as long as I need to. I do like, though it's few and far between, seeing those people that truly change their life. That is rewarding no matter what! Long term, if I still need to work, I would enjoy going back to school and finishing what I started-nursing. I don't have time for that right now, but maybe someday after all my babies are grown, I'll go back. I always, always wanted to be a labor and delivery nurse.

I suppose that's all for now. I stayed home from church today since Maddie is sick, and should probably use this time to pack some more. I'll try to take pictures of the new house and post them soon! Keep praying for us over these next few weeks...for a number of different reasons! God is really doing a lot of things these days...