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Thursday, December 18, 2008

8 Things and An Update

8 Favorite Restaurants
1. Olive Garden
2. Julians
3. Casa Ole
4. Chipotle
5. Texas Roadhouse
6. Chick-fil-a
7. Daniel Boone's
8. Saltgrass

8 Things That Happened Today
1. spilled a glass of water in my lap
2. fed Maddie
3. watched The Christmas Shoes with Jaime
4. changed a diaper
5. cooked dinner
6. filed my nails
7. paid bills
8. ate a sugar cookie

8 Things I look Forward To
1. going to Disney World
2. having another baby
3. getting Lasik eye surgery
4. Christmas morning
5. my wedding anniversary
6. seeing Maddie take her 1st steps
7. paying off student loans
8. a visit from the in-laws

8 Things I'm Scared Of
1. starting a new job
2. losing someone I love
3. never buying or building a home of my own
4. having to wait a little longer than planned for another baby
5. spiders!!!
6. car-wrecks
7. hurting someone's feelings
8. being let down

8 Things I Wish For
1. a happy life for my kids
2. a new car
3. to own my own baby store
4. being debt-free
5. fewer allergies
6. a happy husband
7. more quality time with my family
8. a vacation

8 Things I Watch On TV
1. Biggest Loser
2. Survivor
3. House
4. CSI Las Vegas
5. CSI Miami
6. Little People, Big World
7. A Baby Story
8. Bringing Home Baby

Now, I tag: Windy, Melissa and Caci.

Time for the update now:
It's official. I'm a probation officer for Smith County. I start January 12th! =)

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Hello out there

I suppose I need to catch my "faithful readers" up on all the exciting news in the Crouse House.
Actually, there isn't too much exciting news at all, which I suppose is why I haven't blogged in a few days.

However, let's see what I can come up with:

Maddie has a top tooth coming in. She rubs it like crazy with her fingers; so much so, that she is drying them out some. The same thing is happening on her right thumb, which she seems to suck on when she is sleepy.

I got a call-back about a job, finally. It was in regards to a probation officer position I applied for. They seem to like me and proceeded to carry me through to the next step, which was to have a psychological test done. I completed that yesterday, and as long as I'm not too crazy, they may offer me the job. =)

I'm almost done with Christmas shopping, or shall I say-the money has almost run out! Either way, I don't care. It just means I no longer have to fight the crazy crowds and can instead spend my time at home, drinking apple cider and keeping a baby out of the tree.

Im excited about Christmas this year! I get to experience Santa all over again, except this time, on the other end of it. I've even been, umm...practicing up on eating all those Christmas cookies. Eh, it's what any good Santa would do.

Oh, and have I ever mentioned that I absolutely love being a mom?!? =)

Tuesday, December 2, 2008


Mark my words...
before Christmas day, that tree will "mysteriously" come crashing down.